Monday, December 15, 2008

Michael Bengwayan is Growing Energy on Trees

Michael Bengwayan is Growing Energy on Trees

Dr. Michael Bengwayan, a 2001 Echoing Green Fellow, wrote in to let us know his organization, PINE TREE was recently awarded a $75,000 prize from Toyota’s Environmental Activities Grant Program. The award will help Michael provide energy to farms and households in the Cordillera Region of the Philippines.

A remarkable twist to this community energy project is that he’ll be manufacturing biofuel from Pittosporum resiniferum (also known as the petroleum nut). This plant is indigenous to the Philippines and according to Wikipedia, the fruits (even green ones) can be used for illumination as torches or candles. The incandescent property is due to the volatile oil of the fruit, which also makes it excellent source material for biofuels.

Congratulations Michael!

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