Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Christmas Message --Being True to Our Spiritual Calling

Dear friends,

As the year ends, and we are once again brought to prayers to remember the most unforgettable time in Christendom, we have plenty to thank for even as our lives and that of our countrymen have been plagued by natural disasters, government-tailored chaotic events, divisiveness, disagreements, economic necessities and our hidden longing for peace of mind. I hope each of you had better days than bad ones, I have not met many of you recently. Still, I am positive we will be working together again by next year.

I have not been in the best of health this year, squeezing tree-planting work with appointments with doctors and spending time within the confines of the hospital for some time and hopping off to Mindanao now and then to work with Lumads.

We have heard or read what they all agreed on at Paris last year. But agreement is one thing. Doing something about the deal is another thing. The work still rests on us who are on the front lines, we the locals whose accumulated work affects global. There is much to be done, still. So tree planting must not only be hastened but made more extensive as forests have been named --our best hope in having a cleaner, less warm world.

It must be remembered that bringing down CO2 emission levels is more of rhetoric than a reality. For as long as the rich nations and corporations burning fossil fuel have not imposed mandatory self-penalizing honorable promises, not too many will work along the deal. But tree planting is a reality we can do. Something we can make work with no rhetoric.

So I urge you to stay focused. To stay true to what we have committed. To plant a tree. No one can question the positive contributions of trees, not unless you are a greedy corporate tyrant, a bribed legal mind, mindless mining company or vision less politician. Let us continue planting trees.
May God bless us all and keep us true to our spiritual calling on this Earth.

Merry Christmas..

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