Monday, November 13, 2017

Creating Sacred Spaces .....michael a. bengwayan

Creating Sacred Spaces
.....michael a. bengwayan

Today is Sunday. Today I will create a sacred space. Like I do every Sunday. I create a sacred space to bring my spirit into harmony with life in my daily environment. 
When my mind is clear and is fully present to life, and the world around me. I am in a sacred place. Hovering above are trees, all around are weeds, flowers, fruit-bearing trees, vegetable clumps, ants running to start work, bees and butterflies hovering and a late bat escaping the last shadow of darkness.. 
I create a sacred space by ritually changing and rearranging my outer environment (letting a limestone stand over the daisies, allowing more sunlight for the anthurium, pruning more chestnut leaves to allow bees to pass by freely) ...they are a means of both focusing my mind--becoming present to the sacred--which is always within me, life. I end in a prayer of thanksgiving to the Maker, thankful for my family, friends, co-workers and the strangers who have done me kindness. Asking forgiveness for my human frailties, thanking that a week has ended. 
And look forward to another morrow.

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