Sunday, April 22, 2018

Daybreak....….michael bengwayan

….michael bengwayan
I do not tire waking up each daybreak to hear the birds’ calls. I want to hear their morning songs that serenade the fullness of each flower’s bloom. I stand on my balcony and look over the fruit trees, bending from heavy fruits. The red-beard tree grooves delighting in sparkling green. Every moment is savored by the promises of new challenges to be breached. Each bird and cricket call are led to outstanding performance by an unseen maestro. Nothings seems unplaced, each outburst a song, all chirping a melody, fine-tuned that even the deaf would feel just by the sight of them. Nothing is left for granted.
Alone, I have a wishful thinking that each prayer’s faith, a new way is laid. For each nature’s glow, hopeful horizon grows. I know each week is a testing and a stressful path. The best thing about having faith is trusting to the judgement of an Everlasting Power who holds the plan for you, regardless of religion,.... faith is the one thing we all share. The implicit trust that is required to believe that whatever trials are placed in our path are for the greater good though we cannot understand the reasoning. I do  sometimes, I admit. I am drawn to an unexplainable things that seem destined to happen and I am just there incidentally. 

 I am thankful to God  for everything each day. For the love of my family, the fondest thoughts of my wife, my children’s musings for friends and for the very air that I breath. I don’t actually  look for the big things because  these are the biggest things.
The seemingly small things in my garden under the house terrace which pass by so easily unnoticed ar jewels hidden to the naked eye. The  color of the cherry leaves as they change their hue. The flash of  blue and green of bluejays and lovebrids on the Calliandra, the cold dewdrops, the ripening lemons, oranges, pomelos, amarillos and papayas or a hanging new ampalaya and a cluster of cherry tomatoes. All under a slow-rising golden sun made soft by the cool breeze from pine trees.
Each daybreak, a new set of gift is dropped by heaven.  yet to most, these are ordinary. ..but they make us live through the day

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