Saturday, December 31, 2016

Weep Earth, Weep Poor

Weep Earth, Weep Poor
by Michael A. Benngwayan

Today, we mark a new year. Millions all over the world rejoiced. But behind this reality is a grimmer picture. Billions as well are weeping.

Today, never in the history of human civilization  have the poor's plight become so central, especially the oppressed and the outcasts.

The poor, the most threatened of nature's creatures comprise 79 per cent of all humankind. One billion of them live in the state of absolute poverty, 3 billion out of the world's total population of 7 billion plus do not have enough to eat; 60 to 70 million die of hunger every year; and,  14-20 million under fifteen years of age die each year as a result of hunger-related diseases.

Earth as well is crying out.

The logic that exploits the poor and oppressed and subjects them to the interests of few rich and powerful countries is the same as the logic that devastates the Earth. Plunders its wealth. Showing no solidarity with the rest of humankind and future generations.

This logic of standing above things and above everything, has shattered the fragile balance of the universe, built up with great wisdom by nature through the Maker's design, through 15 billion years.

During the past four centuries humans felt they are all alone in the universe and that nature was to be subjected and tamed.

They have instead become Earth's Butcher as they have proven they can commit not only homicide and ethnocide but biocide and geocide as well.

When from 1500 to 1850 one species have been wiped out every ten years, a species a day is disappearing since 1990.

Humans' death machine is mowing down life in its most varied forms.

And whatever is left of most life forms--plants and animals-- especially those for food and medicine, are now owned, patented and kept/exploited by the richest countries and multinational groups. Far from the reach of the poor.

The poor and the oppressed must be liberated.  Nature's last remaining life forms must equally be liberated from the tentacles of greed.

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