Saturday, January 27, 2018

Rise Up With The Sun, Letting Yesterday Go ….michael a. bengwayan

Rise Up With The Sun, Letting Yesterday Go
….michael a. bengwayan

Many wake up clueless at what lies ahead. Others have nary a care at all. But there are those who rise up every morning with a purpose. Yet are lost of focus. Just to rise up would be enough for most of us. Perhaps half in jest with hopes of casting away dark shadows and hoping for good luck to the rescue.

The tokens we've carried from childhood whenever we awake have never left us-- when we were careful never to step on a crack in the walk, or pick up a pin, the silly poems that fascinated us-- should follow into adulthood even when the laughter is long gone.

How then should we rise up daily?

We rise up with the sun letting yesterday go. We rise up with gratitude in our hearts for being alive.....for the opportunity to glean from our mistakes and with hopes that something will take us far over that place if ever we pass it again. We know that fate must have a promise to turn up something rather than waiting for something to turn up.

And yes, we are blessed to have love to give and the ability to receive it. We have faith in good. And no small amount of peace when we think not how lucky we are, but how blessed.

Good morning!

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