Tuesday, May 29, 2018

We must love Earth with our soul

We must love Earth with our soul
…..michael a. bengwayan.

We came into being in the loveliest moment  of all Earth history. God made sure of that. He first created light, water, the heavens, trees, plants , animals and sea denizens before man. He first made everything beautiful and gifted it to our eyes. All the beauty that surrounds us. We could not  experience the fulfillment of our souls except through the experience of this beauty. 

We may destroy beauty but we cannot destroy our need for this beauty. Our need, even for our longing for immersion in the awesome world that surrounds us, is manifest in our immediate and most intense response to the natural world— admiration, awe and reverence. When we hear a bird sing see the colors of trees, butterflies, when we walk through the woods and forests or feel the wind on a summer evening.

In these experiences, we find our deepest human fulfillment. That is why we go to the sea, the mountains, meadows. To some distant place far from city turmoil. To be healed and inwardly renewed. There we find our deeper selves. Because by creation, we are part of nature. Not apart from it.

We are caught in the world of the sacred. And only through this experience cn we obtain the insight and energy we need to alter the road to absolute devastation of Earth in search of economic gain.

We must love Earth with our souls and use that sacred covenant to care for her.

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