Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Our Destructive Millennial Myth …michael a. bengwayan..

Our Destructive Millennial Myth
…michael a. bengwayan..

We are living a millennial myth, absorbed into, and expressed in the doctrine of progress through technological wizardry by exploiting all of Earth's resources.. It's fueling the drive towards the endless high consumption of goods.

Obviously the result is total exploitation. The millennial vision of a beatific future that we would accomplish  ourselves through prodigious efforts implied, that all things on Earth as we found them in their natural state were in an unacceptable and unholy condition. We thought everything needed to be changed.

As a result, every effort of science, technology, economics and politics was to be bent towards effecting these transformations of the natural world. The drive behind this whole mechanism was to take all our natural resources and transform these by industrial methods into products for a society with an unsatiable hunger for more and more.

Our religion, turned to the service of secular purposes, is the driving factor. We are spiritually unfulfilled. We are so diminished in our soul values. Our idea of the market economy is sacred to us.. We have sacred values associated with our modern, commercial mechanistic life.

By making life easy for us, technology is the instrument by which we build our mythical Wonderworld.

But obviously we are ending it. We are building a Wastedworld. That's the tragedy of it.

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