Sunday, October 29, 2017

Holy Mother Earth the trees and all nature are witness to your thoughts and deeds.

Holy Mother Earth the trees and all nature are witness to your thoughts and deeds.

Its a few days before December and there is magic in the air.. There are certain sounds and fragrances that come through more clearly on December than any other month. It is always satisfying to take a thermos of coffee and a sweet roll and disappear into my forest in the countryside just to sit and absorb the unending wonders of nature. Beneath the bent grasses in the meadow is new growth of plants that will survive the cold days. My coffee trees spread their white flower-decked twigs and broad furry leaves and will grow sweet cherries yearned by civet cats. All along the trails at the Habitat are quail tracks that appear to be small palm prints on the damp edge of my pond. Red tail hawks ride the currents overhead and a flock of doves move swiftly. It is December. Cold, yet, it is even more. This is life that gives us peace.

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